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Dual Enrollment

Parent Resource Guide Dual Enrollment 2024

What is DUAL Enrollment?

Simply put, students are taking college classes during high school. Most students take courses at Carroll Community College, but some students attend other area colleges. The requirements are the same as those for an internship.

How do the credits work?

 Students can only take classes that award college credit; which means no remedial courses. A 3-credit college course earns a 1 credit of high school credit.

Can I participate in an internship and concurrent enrollment?

 Yes, some students are able to do both.

I am interested, what should I do?

Let your School Counselor know about your interest. For dual enrollment, students may need to take a college placement test to see if their academic preparation matches the college’s expectation.  All paperwork must be completed with the school counselor before each semester.  Registration can be no earlier than late Fall for Spring courses and Spring for Summer and Fall Dual Enrollment courses.

CCPS Dual Enrollment Steps Resource

CCPS Dual Enrollment Request Form

Parent Presentation Dual Enrollment 4/4/2024 

Carroll Community College Resource


  • 94% attendance the semester before release is to take place
  • Service Learning hours completed
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (unweighted)
  • Academically eligible


Carroll Community College uses a placement test called Accuplacer, which is a College board product. Below is general information about the test. The following link that students should use to prepare for the Accuplacer is on the Collegeboard website below:
